Psychotherapy should be an adventure that helps you re-awaken the wonder and amazement that is often seen in the playful antics of young children.
Psychotherapy should be an adventure that helps you re-awaken the wonder and amazement that is often seen in the playful antics of young children. Recapture the excitement and joy of childhood. Re-enter a world where wrapping paper, cardboard boxes, and imagination were enough to uncover enchanted realms.
The removal of “symptoms” should never be the sole goal of psychotherapy. Eliminating or mitigating symptoms is only the first step toward unlocking those doors that lead to the life you’ve always wanted.
Each year, Americans spend billions of dollars on “self-improvement” books; and perhaps you’ve discovered that the initial hope of solving a recurring problem soon gives way to old behaviors and familiar ruts.
Drawing upon your utter uniqueness–which includes your history, genetics, learning and experience—you and I will co-author your personal “self-help” book. Drawing upon some of the most impressive discoveries from the past 100 years, you can learn new strategies and ways of viewing the world.Stop hopingfor the future of your dreams–start living your dreams today!
I specialize in helping people live lives that are free from anxiety; free from the negative influences of past trauma(s); free from certain types of pain. I also help those in recovery capture the joy and freedom that has yet to materialize. Finally, I work with couples, married or not, “gay” or “straight,” to assist them in creating the journey of their dreams.
Is my therapeutic approach right for everyone? No. Will doing the same thing every day produce the life you want? Probably not. My approach doesn’t have to work for everyone, it only has to work for you. Please call me and during a free phone or personal consultation we’ll decide if I’m the best guide for your journey.